Andrew Eklund
Professor of Chemistry
Dr. Wesley Professor in Chemistry
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Dr. Wesley Professor in Chemistry
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- BA: College of Wooster, 1993
- PhD: University of California at Irvine, 1998
Courses Taught
- General Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Chemistry Seminar
- Advanced Laboratory
Research, Publications, & Presentations
Research & Publications
- Kinetics of Olefin Metathesis Reactions Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
- Contributing author for peer-reviewed textbook entitled Chemistry, 1st edition Openstax College, 2015
- “Cobalt (II) Complex of a Diazoalkane Radical Anion” Bonyhady, S. J.; Goldberg, J. M.; Wedgwood, N.; Dugan, T. R.; Eklund, A. G.; Brennessel, W. W.; Holland, P. L. Inorganic Chemistry 2015, 54, 5148-5150.
- "An Effective Four Semester Junior/Senior Approach to a Chemistry Seminar Curriculum" Eklund, A. G.*; McGowan, G. J. Journal of Chemical Education 2007, 84, 1299-1300.
- "Mo-Doped Mesoporous Silica for Thiophene Hydrodesulfurization: Comparison of Materials and Methods" Sorensen, A. C.; Fuller, B. L.; Eklund, A. G.; Landry, C. C Chemistry of Materials 2004, 16, 2157-2164.
- “Size-Exclusion Chromatography of Low-Molecular Mass Polymers Using Mesoporous Silica” Nassivera, T.; Eklund, A. G.; Landry, C.C. Journal of Chromatography A 2002, 973, 97-101
- "The Use of Mesoporous Silica in Liquid Chromatography" Gallis, K. W.; Eklund, A. G.; Jull, S. T.; Araujo, J. T.; Moore, J. G.; Landry, C. C. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 2000, 129, 747-755.
- "Controlled Cleavage of R8Si8O12 Frameworks: A Revolutionary New Method for Manufacturing Precursors to Hybrid Inorganic / Organic Materials"
- Feher, F. J.; Soulivong, D.; Eklund, A. G. Chem. Comm., 1998, 3 , 399.
- "Cross-metathesis of Alkenes with Vinyl-Substituted Silsesquioxanes and Spherosilicates: A New Method for Synthesizing Highly-Functionalized Si/O Frameworks." Feher, F. J.; Soulivong, D.; Eklund, A. G.; Wyndham, K. D Chem. Comm., 1997, 13, 1185-1186.
- "Phosphine-Substituted Silsesquioxanes as Building Blocks for Organometallic Gels." Feher, F. J.; Schwab, J. J.; Phillips, S. H.; Eklund, A.; Martinez, E. Organometallics, 1995 , 14, 4452-4453.
- Fall 2017, Awarded the Dr. Frank Goetz ’71 Professorship created in honor of Professor Wesley Bentz
- Summer 2016, Awarded Joint Cole Chair in Chemistry with Professor Garrett J. McGowan
- Spring 2016, Received AU Excellence in Teaching Award
- Spring 2014, Received AU Excellence in Teaching Award
- Spring 2011, Received AU Excellence in Teaching Award
- Spring 2009, Received the 2009 AU Advisor of the Year Award from AU Student Senate
- Spring 2009, Received AU Excellence in Teaching Award
- Spring 2007 Received Ruth Berger Rubenstein Memorial Award for Excellence in Teaching, top award in College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- Spring 2005, Received AU Excellence in Teaching Award
- 2003-2004 AU Student Senate Excellence in Teaching Award
- 2002-2003 “Alfie” Award for Outstanding Faculty Contribution to Campus Life
Faculty ServiceChair of CLAS Curriculum & Teaching Committee, Advisor to Forest People, Advisor to Student Affiliate Chapter of ACS
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